Any company that carries out an activity must register it with a competent authority. This legal process is done in several stages. One of them is to obtain a kbis number. Unfortunately, few people know what this number actually means. In order to inform you, we tell you more in the following lines.
Simple Definition of the kbis
The KBIS or extrait kbis is an official document issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) that allows to verify the legal existence of a company. It contains important information about the company, such as its name, its legal form, its address, its SIRET number and the names of its managers. It is frequently used to verify the solvency of a company before signing a contract or to conduct research on companies. It can be obtained online via the CCI services or by going directly to the CCI.
What is the procedure to obtain a kbis number ?
To obtain a KBIS number, you must create a company in France, and register it with the local Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI). Here are the general steps to create a company and obtain a KBIS number:
- Choose a business name and make sure it is not already used by another company.
- Choose a legal form for your company (auto-entrepreneur, SAS, SARL, etc.).
- Draft the company's articles of association in compliance with legal requirements. Complete the registration process with the local Chamber of Commerce (filing of articles of incorporation, payment of registration fees).
- Obtain tax identification numbers (intra-community VAT, SIRET number) and a Kbis extract from the CCI.
It is important to note that the steps and requirements may vary depending on the legal form chosen for the company and its location. It is therefore advisable to consult the websites of the local CCI or to ask a chartered accountant for more detailed information on the steps to follow.
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